inching along
The way to accomplishing something great is to take one step at a time. I have always dreamt of being an artist and supporting myself through the practice of making and selling paintings. Now I have been given a multitude of reasons, from friends and family and strangers alike, as to why I will need to have a "real job" in order pay for the cost of living as well as my artistic pursuits. Sometimes it is hard to shake off the negative opinions people have of my dream. And I will admit it put me down for some time, but if there is anyway I am going to get there I'll start in any little way I can.

Not too long ago I purchased a petite stack of canvas boards to doodle with. Little did I know it was the smartest idea I had in a good while. Increasing amounts of my free time have been spent mixing paints and dabbling away in the corner with the curtains open. For the first time in a long time I spent more than a day on a project. Just one little painting, and I am pretty sure it isn't fully finished yet. There in lies the joy of this! I don't just get to go back and make my painting better, I want to. My only agenda is to make something beautiful. And who cares if it looks like a mess right now, every good thing goes through an ugly faze some point in their life. So, why can't a painting? And why can't I? Maybe in order to live my dream there has to be some mess. Not every painting will look exactly like I thought it should, and not every dream goes just how we imagine them. And so I am inching along. From buying canvas to painting a little more each day, I can make every little step count. Maybe one day I my paintings will afford me a vacation or two.