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do more

If you are anything like me, the majority of unstructured time is spent daydreaming. In my mind there are endless possibilities and places and things and creations to live and do and be. This imagination is wonderful when it comes to creative projects but can become a slippery slope when I imagine life more than I live life. In this way January has been a blessing and a curse. I have dreamt up great things and fallen flat on my back when those ideas weren't as amazing as they had been in my head. It can be terrifying. And it was. It is so easy to get down when things don't go as I've imagined. So I cry, because holding it in is harder in the long run, and then I get up - what else can one do? More than anything within my flops I have realized, and mostly relearned, how this life in my head will never compare to my tangible, real, raw life. Failure has a way of cultivating growth. And if I live in my head and never do the things I dream about there will be no substance to my life. So this year my goal is to do more.

To do the things when I'm brushing my teeth at the end of the day and think I totally had the time for that today. This year is about stepping into a life of learning new skills and going new places. I want to wear holes in the souls of my shoes from roaming and find new wrinkles around my eyes from smiling so much. If I get scars along the way I will let them tell the story of my growth and be tactile proof of a life being lived. It is time to live outside my head.


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